Until  we abolish Collegium and senior designation, judicial reforms will  remain as a mere myth.


31st of March 2022.

Dear fellow citizens,

Our aim should not be confined to AIJS. That is  certainly a worthy cause. But we must fearlessly enter the larger battle field. Dismantling of Collegium. Come what may, i have decided to pursue the cause marshalling all my resources. I may not see any definite success. But i will have the satisfaction that i did what i can. The defeat is going to be only  temporary. The judges may harm me personally in many ways as they did in the past. But that is not going dissuade me from the path of judicial reforms I have embarked upon. Am only 63. If God gives me the health and the  strength to fight for the cause of reforms nobody can stop me. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Success  is a certainty.

I request you one  and all to support me in this larger public cause. The judiciary is destroyed by the Bombay lobby. Palkiwala and his ilk. They are anti democratic.  They represent the elite. They could successfully demonize the political executive. In the name of precedent they rewrote the constitution.  Reduced judiciary into an oligarchy. By dividing lawyers into two classes the elite and untouchables they further cemented the feudal system. Reduced  the legal profession as a means of unjust enrichment. The judges of the Supreme Court (not all) behave like emperors. Some of the CJs of the HCs are even worse.

Without abolition of designation system no reform is possible. That is the root cause of all. Mrs. Indira Jai Singh is the only lawyer who has taken a stand in the public domain in support of abolition of senior designation. But  she has not done enough. She has only  given up the “square gown”. That is not enough. She has to take a clear stand, in favor of abolition of senior designation and Collegium. And she can certainly do so quite profitably. Because she doesn’t need the designation. She will only enhance her stature  by renouncing it.



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