In the Supreme Court of India Writ Petition (C) No. ___of 2020
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA WRIT PETITION (C) NO. ___OF 2020 Mathews J. Nedumpara …Petitioner vs. Union of India & ors. …Respondents SYNOPSIS Millions and millions of animals, milking and pregnant cows, calves, buffalos, goats, poultry are slaughtered in the most inhuman ways, in clear violation of the mandate of Articles 48, 48A and 51A (g) of the Constitution of India, as also the various Acts, Regulations and Rules enacted/framed by the Parliament, various State Assemblies, Centre and State Governments, banning the slaughter of milking cows and calves, as also regulating the slaughter of animals. Millions of wild animals, wild boars, elephants, dear, bisons are...
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